
Have You Ever “Moonlighted” To Supplement Your Nursing Income?

More and more nurses are “moonlighting” to supplement their nursing income. Taking on a second job has become very common in the nursing profession. Many nurses ask for additional...

What Will You Do After Nursing?

Have you been considering a change of career? Nursing can be an incredibly stressful job. After the onset...

What’s Your Favorite Nurse Side Gig?

Side gigs offer many benefits for nurses looking to earn extra money, enjoy a change of scenery or...

How Do You Handle A Mistake At Work?

Have you ever charted on the wrong patient? Hung a drug that had the wrong name on it,...

What’s The Most Embarrassing Thing You’ve Said to A Patient?

Mistakes happen. Nurses are only human, after all. They share intimate moments with complete strangers, which can lead...

A List Of Rules For Nurses … From 1887

Whether you’re a new nurse or a seasoned nurse, it’s always intriguing to take a look back at the history of the nursing profession....

12 Factors That Fuel A Nurse’s Burnout

What are the deadly dozen circumstances and characteristics that can lead to burnout and empathy fatigue? Check which statements ring true for you, and...

Top Ten Ways To Spot The “Old School” Nurse

We sometimes hear a nurse referred to as “old school.” I take that to mean “in practice before the 1980s,” because that’s when I...

How Do I Deal With A Travel Nurse?

Rule #1: Say hello and introduce yourself. It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many nurses skip this obvious step. Remember that the travel...