
Have You Ever “Moonlighted” To Supplement Your Nursing Income?

More and more nurses are “moonlighting” to supplement their nursing income. Taking on a second job has become very common in the nursing profession. Many nurses ask for additional...

What Will You Do After Nursing?

Have you been considering a change of career? Nursing can be an incredibly stressful job. After the onset...

What’s Your Favorite Nurse Side Gig?

Side gigs offer many benefits for nurses looking to earn extra money, enjoy a change of scenery or...

How Do You Handle A Mistake At Work?

Have you ever charted on the wrong patient? Hung a drug that had the wrong name on it,...

What’s The Most Embarrassing Thing You’ve Said to A Patient?

Mistakes happen. Nurses are only human, after all. They share intimate moments with complete strangers, which can lead...

5 Things That Make Life Easier For New Nurses

Okay, you’re done with your internship and orientation and now you’re a real, grown-up nurse. You’re almost used to waking up at oh-dark-thirty, and your parking...

Skip The Soda, Opt For The Stairs To Feel More Energized

We've all done it -that moment during a shift where you are seriously lagging and all you can think of is caffeine, caffeine, caffeine!!!...

Survival Mode Time!

I had a rough shift the other night—you know, the one where you start off with a BIG assignment, run behind on everything the...

The 5 Most Important People You Meet In The Hospital

Ever wonder how to prioritize your relationships at work? Here’s a handy-dandy guide for how to divide your time! 1. The doctors You can’t live without...

11 Nursing Diagnoses That Don’t Exist…But Ought To

Sure, nurses diagnose patients all the time…but have you ever felt like you needed to diagnose yourself? Sometimes your shift (or week, or month)...

5 Things Worse Than Germs To Take Home With You

Nurses, we know you’re exposed to all kinds of things at work—and you try your best to leave it all behind at the end...