What’s The Best Moment Of Every Shift?

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

Nurses are known for their selfless compassion and their unwavering patient advocacy. It’s been said many times on our website that being a nurse is something that is born from your soul. You cannot be taught compassion, empathy and the genuine ability to care.

I’d love to profess my steadfast support of our patients and say that the very best moment of every shift is that golden moment when something clicks between you and your patient. You know, that moment you develop that trusting rapport with those you are caring for.

But I’m here to tell a different story.

You want to know what is the VERY BEST moment of every shift? It’s that moment when you see the light at the end of the tunnel. That moment when the hypothetical and facetious 100-pound gorilla is finally off your back and you breathe a sigh of relief.

Sorry, it’s not a heart-warming connection story. It’s a more subtle, personal and selfish act.

THE very best moment of every shift is when you finish your charting. Simple and straightforward. Unfinished charting is what turns a good day into a looooong day. It’s what turns an 8-hour shift into a 10-hour shift, or a 12-hour shift into 14 hours.

It’s that gorilla on our backs (yes, I purposely said gorilla. A monkey is just not big enough).

The truth is, our charting is never done. Ever. The minute nurses relinquish this control and accept that charting is the last thing that gets done during their shifts, the sooner they can reduce their stress levels. As any new nurse can tell you, all they ever think about is getting their charting done!!

Remember, if you didn’t chart it, it didn’t happen.

So when we get our charting done, whether on time or not, is when we see that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

Your turn! What do you think is the best moment of every shift? Share in the comments section below.

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


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