The Top 25 Inspirational Things About Nursing

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

For a nurse, inspiration is as important as breathing—we need oxygen for our souls. Just as we check to see if our patients are breathing, checking our own emotional pulse is essential. We need to feel inspired; it’s a critical component to a nursing career.

For us to keep going shift after shift, we must be reminded from time to time of those special moments—we all have them in our careers—when we’ve stopped and thought: This is why I do it.

So just what are some things that keep a nurse breathing? The following are presented randomly, not in any particular order of importance. All of them, however, provide oxygen for our souls!


1) Passion

Recollection of what called us to nursing in the first place. Our initiative to continue education, join a committee at our workplace, volunteer in our community at a health event and stay fervently committed to quality patient care. It’s contagious!


2) Respect

For our profession. For human life. For dignity’s sake we undertake enormous responsibility.


3) Humor

It’s a well-known fact that laughter is great medicine for our patients and for us! A colleague once boasted of eating an entire Thanksgiving dinner in six minutes while standing up during a busy ER shift! Then there are certain things that we find comical (perhaps even hysterical) that only another nurse would understand!

4) Gratitude

As nurses we need each other, depend on one another and have each other’s backs. I know, I know…nurses historically eat their young…but it is and always will be the teamwork that energizes and fuels us. Not to mention the snacks and dishes we bring in to share!


5) Teamwork

As nurses we need each other, depend on one another and have each other’s backs. I know, I know…nurses historically eat their young…but it is and always will be the teamwork that energizes and fuels us. Not to mention the snacks and dishes we bring in to share!


6) Doctors

As much as we often complain about them or are intimidated by them, we thrive on their trust in us. It helps when they’re charismatic and good-looking, too! Doesn’t it? Be honest.


7) Teaching

The old adage “See one, do one, teach one” is completely valid. Mentoring a new nurse, student or employee is a win-win opportunity to keep your edge sharp and get back to basics. It’s the foundation of great nursing care. Recognizing that you’re a source of encouragement for another nurse is a true gift.


8) New scrubs

Is there anything more great to wear to work?


9) Confidence

Competency in both knowledge and skills, partnered with enthusiasm, is why our patients trust us so!


10) Insight

A nurse is often “in the know” regarding her patient’s life situation and lifestyle choices she may have made. This privilege of knowing instills compassion in us, replacing judgment.


11) Courage

We’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done. A seasoned nurse will ask for help and risk a raised eyebrow. A new nurse will call a doctor who has a reputation for being abrupt because it’s in the patient’s best interest. It’s putting on those “big girl” or “big boy” pants when necessary. Because if you don’t, who will?


12) Joy

Acceptance into nursing school! What nurse can forget passing the NCLEX! How about landing that first job or making it through your first ACLS class! It’s joy…pure and simple.


13) New shoes

Every nurse understands the importance of good shoes. There are shoes in every color and style to keep us running all day (or night)! Of course, pedicures and foot massages are invaluable, too!


14) Intuition

Developed over time with our observation and assessment skills, this can truly save a patient’s life! When something isn’t right, you can’t always put your finger on it or measure it with technology…you just know. And often, you’re right on! It’s not a surprise because, after all, you’re a nurse!


15) Advocacy

When the patient can’t find his voice, or he just doesn’t understand, it’s the nurse who speaks up on his behalf. It’s also the times we put ourselves on the line to ensure patient safety and rights.


16) Complexity

Consider the “I’ve got it!” feeling after you learned to read an EKG or X-ray, or understood the meaning of ABG values. Not to mention the EMR and the newest IV pumps.


17) Positive outcomes

Being partly responsible for a patient outcome is more than simply giving the right medicine at the right time. It’s providing ongoing education, and recognizing any knowledge deficits in order to involve another specialty in the transition of care.


18) Learning a new skill

Taking a workshop often reignites confidence. So does getting certified in your specialty or perhaps landing a new job!


19) Creativity

Nurses are innovative! We are curious. We ask questions and seek answers.


20) Grace

The errors, the near misses, the rushing to complete tasks when the census and acuity are high. You’re understaffed and overwhelmed. You’re working overtime. Okay, you get the visual here. When there are no adverse occurrences in spite of it all, that’s grace.


21) Care and comfort

They drive your vehicle to work each day. Using your expertise in nursing skills and communication—whether to alleviate pain, give quality nursing care or provide patient education—you know that at the end of the day, you did what you could. Sometimes you just listened, but you always did your best.


22) Absurdity

Yes, absurdity! You know, those moments when you shake your head in utter disbelief of what you just heard or saw! Only a nurse can say, “You just can’t make this stuff up!”


23) Necessity

Our patients need us. Our colleagues need us. We show up. Enough said.


24) Patients

The intimate relationships that we develop with the people who start out as strangers are profound. What other profession is so personal? We know their stories, their fears and their medical histories. We’re bound by HIPAA for confidentiality. We see them exposed, both physically and emotionally. We learn empathy. It’s a privilege not to be taken lightly. It’s humbling to witness their courage and strength in the face of illness and loss.


25) Love

The heart of a nurse is unique. Its cell memory stores countless moments of tenderness and heartache, triumph and recovery, tragedy and tears. It’s why you are reading this now. Because you know that nursing is more than a job—it’s an act of love.


What inspires you?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.



  1. I enjoyed the profession as a nurse. I been in nursing for approximately 27 years and enjoy the good the bad and the ugly. After retirment i intend to keep on working as a nurse parttime.this is the field I have chosen and will stick with it until i cannot do it anymore. I enjot reading LOVE and GRACE section. PEACE, LOVE and HAPPINESS to all out there in the field.

  2. I know this is intended to be lighthearted but nurses would find it inappropriate if a doc website said the same (see #6 Doctors below) this substituting good looking nurse instead of doctor. I think that we would be rightly offended. Nurses work so hard to be viewed as professional and partners of other health care team members and then we go and act like this. Disappointing that in an article about advocating for nurses we consciously choose to objectify our colleagues. This is a Modern Nurse??
    6) Doctors
    As much as we often complain about them or are intimidated by them, we thrive on their trust in us. It helps when they’re charismatic and good-looking, too! Doesn’t it? Be honest.

  3. Being a nurse is sacred to me. It’s a calling from God to serve. My inspiration is the good work that I do to care for the people in my community.

  4. Nothing is better than the look of peace. When you have truly reassured someone, might be the patient, might be the family, might be a stressed coworker, or might be a patient who passed away with dignity and acceptance, the ultimate peace.

  5. Wonderful capture of the essence of being a nurse. After being in the profession for over 50yrs. I continue to work, for the joy of being a nurse.


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