How do I deal with a non-English speaking patient?


If you think you’re frustrated trying to communicate with a non-English-speaking patient, just imagine how scared and overwhelmed he must feel. He’s sick, vulnerable—and surrounded by people jabbering in a language he may not understand.

Step One :

Check your frustration at the door. Your patient needs your care and compassion at least as much as any other patient on the floor.

Step Two :

Involve a translator ASAP. If at all possible, rely on a formal translator instead of a family member. Asking a family member to translate delicate questions such as “Did you have a BM today?” can cause much embarrassment on the part of both family members.

If your non-English-speaking patient speaks a language common to your area, you may already have a translator—or an employee fluent in his native language—on staff. If not, check which translation services are available through your hospital; most can provide translators with at least 24 hours’ notice. Many hospitals also subscribe to Language Line, a 24-hour, toll-free telephone translation service.

Step Three :

Take the time to learn a few words in the patient’s native tongue. Saying “Hola” rather than “Hello” helps develop rapport and increase trust. You might also want to consider learning words such as “pain” and phrases such as “How are you feeling?” Any effort towards understanding them—as minimal as it may be—shows empathy for their situation and helps develop trust in the eyes of the patient.

Step Four :

Use hand gestures and demonstrations to fill the gap. Instead of relying on verbal and written materials, use lots of demonstrations to teach your patient and family about his care.

Step Five :

Read up on your patient’s culture. The language barrier is one thing, but there may be nonverbal issues, such as looking (or not looking) the patient directly in the eye. Culturally sensitive care is in everyone’s best interest.

Share your tips on communicating with a non-English-speaking patient in the comments section below.


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.



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