
What Nurses REALLY Think About Scrubs In Public

Let's just say our Scrubs In Public article caught a lot of your attention. With some hospitals taking action that requires staffers to change out of their scrubs before...

To Lipstick or Not To Lipstick, That Is The Question

It’s 6:00 a.m. and I’m so exhausted I can’t even think straight. After a long night of studying...

At Home Beauty Fixes

Ever need a quick beauty fix but don’t have the time to run out? With hectic lifestyles and...

6 Tips For Makeup That’ll Hold Up During Your Shift

How is it that you can start the day looking great, but by the time you glance in...

Beauty Secrets For Nurses (At A Pretty Price!)

The model who used to proclaim “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful,” should have also added: “And it...

5 Fashion Faux Pas For Nurses to Avoid

We all have days where beauty and style take a backseat to other important life issues. Maybe you don’t have time to flatiron (or...

Scrubs That Are Kind of Crazy For a Spooky Little Nurse Like You

Who doesn’t like to dress up once a year and show their spooky side? With Halloween just around the corner, you may be catching...

Scrubs Fashion: What Looks Good On a Male Nurse?

I find the words “men’s fashion” in nursing rather intriguing. I’m a T-shirt-and-jeans kind of guy, so “fashion” isn’t something I generally pay much...

5 Best Makeup Products For Nurses

Long night shifts, quick bites, and tons of caffeine – a nurse’s daily routine isn’t always healthy. Things are almost always chaotic in a...

Our Top 5 Unisex Nursing Shoes

In the nursing field, both women and men share many of the same goals when it comes to finding the right shoes. Long-term comfort is,...

Nurse Bling: 13 Heavenly Finds For Your Hands and Feet

Frequent hand washing, 12-hour shifts…a nurse’s hands and feet are put through a lot, and yet they’re so important to remaining comfortable on the job. With...