Best Practices
What Are Your Top Nurse Tips For NOT Getting Sick?
We get it -nurses are always in the “sick” season. But with Covid-19 and the cold and flu season, it's important to share tips with our fellow nurses on...
Best Practices
This Nurse Uses a Fake Hand to Comfort COVID-19 Patients and We’re Feeling It
Brazil has become the new epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis. President Jair Bolsonaro has been criticized for not...
Best Practices
What Are Your Top Tips For A Newbie Nurse?
Let's hear your best advice and top tips for newbie nurses. What would you tell your younger self?...
Best Practices
Stop the Panic: 6 Coronavirus Facts to Help You Stay Sane
Public health officials are urging healthcare providers and the general public not to panic over the coronavirus. Those...
Best Practices
Nurse Scheduling Nightmares
How two clever nurse managers found low cost options to streamline scheduling.
Nurse Staffing Affects Patient Safety
Having well-educated nurses with fewer patients to care for can help reduce hospital deaths, a new NIH study suggests. The findings can help hospitals...
Using Science to Prescribe: The Future Is Here!
My patients often hear me say: “Medicine is an art not a science”. While I do not mean science is not the basis of medicine,...
12 Factors That Fuel A Nurse’s Burnout
What are the deadly dozen circumstances and characteristics that can lead to burnout and empathy fatigue? Check which statements ring true for you, and...