Best College Values Publishes Ranking of 50 Best Value Bachelor’s in Nursing 2017

Best College Values, an online resource for college students, has published a ranking of 50 Best Value Bachelor's in Nursing 2017, as part of its ongoing "Best Value" series. The aim of this Best Value ranking is to highlight degree programs that offer both a reputably high quality undergraduate nursing education as well as affordable tuition rates and a high return on investment.

This ranking gave consideration to nursing schools that are regionally accredited by one of the six regional accrediting bodies for colleges and universities. A pool of over 200 colleges and universities were systematically ranked according to Best College Values' proprietary methodology that aggregates publicly available data to produce a score of 1-100. The top 50 scoring programs were named the Best Value Bachelor's in Nursing for 2017.

Taking first place in this ranking is Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, while the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas, placed second, and the University of Maryland in BaltimoreMaryland, placed third.

The ranking can be viewed here:

Other colleges and universities that made the ranking are listed below in alphabetical order.

Arizona State University - Phoenix, Arizona

Binghamton University SUNY - Vestal, New York

Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, Ohio

Duke University - Durham, North Carolina

Duquesne University - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton, Florida

Florida State University - Tallahassee, Florida

George Mason University - Fairfax, Virginia

Hunter College CUNY - New York CityNew York

Indiana University - BloomingtonIndiana

James Madison University - Harrisonburg, Virginia

Molloy College - Rockville Center, New York

Ohio State University - Columbus, Ohio

Purdue University - West Lafayette, Indiana

Pennsylvania State University - University ParkPennsylvania

Rutgers University - Newark, New Jersey

South Dakota State University - Brookings, South Dakota

Stony Brook University SUNY - Stony Brook, New York

Texas A&M Health Science Center - Bryan, Texas

Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Texas

University of Alabama - BirminghamAlabama

University of Alabama - TuscaloosaAlabama

University of Arizona - Tempe, Arizona

University of California - Los Angeles, California

University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohio

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus - Denver, Colorado

University of Connecticut - StorrsConnecticut

University of Illinois - Chicago, Illinois

University of Kansas - Lawrence, Kansas

University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Massachusetts

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Missouri - Kansas City, Missouri

University of North Carolina - Chapel HillNorth Carolina

University of North Carolina - CharlotteNorth Carolina

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

University of South Florida - Tampa, Florida

University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Tennessee

University of Texas - Austin, Texas

University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio, Texas

University of Utah - Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Virginia - Charlottesville, Virginia

University of Washington - Seattle, Washington

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin - MilwaukeeWisconsin

Villanova University - Radnor, Pennsylvania

Washington State University - Pullman, Washington

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is considered an entry-level degree that prepares students for nursing in a wide variety of settings. "Professional nurses work with individuals personally to promote health and restore wellness to those experiencing illness," says Brett Gershon, site editor. "To enter the field of nursing is to become invested in the care and well being of people and thus, as a career, is full of both challenges and rewards." This ranking will provide prospective students who want to pursue a career in nursing an overview of colleges and universities where they can receive a top tier nursing education balanced by tuition rates and a high return on investment. is an online resource for prospective college students seeking an education worth its cost. Best College Values strives to provide the most comprehensive and rigorously researched set of online resources on the intersections of college affordability, educational quality, and educational outcomes so that individuals pursuing higher education can find the best college at the best price.


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