20 Bad Behaviors That Will Tick Off Your Coworkers!

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

Here are some ways to really tick off your fellow nurses. I’d suggest entering into the following bad behaviors at your own risk!

1. Order out for a meal but don’t ask anyone if they want anything (and/or taking a trip to the vending machine without notice)

2. Add your two cents about everything without being asked

3. Sit on your butt the entire shift when everyone else is running around working like dogs

4. OR, better yet, sleep at the nurses station when everyone else is overwhelmed

5. Put your bare hands in the snacks at the nurses station—especially if you haven’t washed them

6. Use the Q word because you hate it when things are the S word

7. Complain that you “always get the worst assignments”

8. Leave stuff for the next shift to do when you really did have time to do it

9. Give only half the story in report

10. Forget to wear deodorant and neglect to wash your uniform

11. Call in “sick” on holiday shifts

12. Leave the floor for long periods of time and not telling anyone where you went

13. Take personal calls and talk on your cell phone REALLY LOUDLY at the nurse’s station

14. Take a convenient bathroom break every time a new patient needs to be admitted to the floor

15. Bring your kids to work assuming they won’t “be in the way”

16. Refuse to help the techs or unit secretaries when things are chill

17. “Eat your young” aka lateral violence towards the newbie nurses on the floor

18. Gossip about everyone all the time

19. Don’t share your goodies and snacks (but see #5)


What would you add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. I would add another- Management knowing and ignoring all these behaviors which is really condoning them. After all my years in Nursing, that is the behavior I abhor most of all.

  2. Leave the bathroom devoid of any toilet paper or paper towels!
    Drop your trash, miss the can, leave it for another to pick up!
    Use my dishes I brought for the break area, then leave them in the sink, unwashed, which often leads to someone getting mad over the dishes left unwashed and throws them all in the trash can!
    When I do occasionally get on the pity pot, as we all do, don’t brag about how awesome your life is going, or how great your husband is, etc. Just listen, be compassionate, save your glory story for another day. Help me off the pity pot!
    Don’t ask me a question if you really do not want the answer. I am happy to answer but when a person ask then just walks off, or ignores what you said, I think why did you ask me to begin with!!

  3. I would add three more:

    1. Don’t restock the med cart or med room with syringes, alcohol pads, med cups, suction catheters, etc. after you use the last one!

    2. Don’t replace a full sharps container or empty/replace garbage containers needed for the next med pass

    3 Don’t clean up your mess ie. spilled meds, coffee,syringe wrappers etc. (“I am NOT your mother!”


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