What Will You Do After Nursing?

Have you been considering a change of career? Nursing can be an incredibly stressful job. After the onset of Covid-19 and the struggles of dealing with constant low staffing, nurses are burned out and looking to reinvent themselves. Many nurses eventually decide to switch careers later in life. But what are your options for doing this? What job opportunities are accessible to people who come from a nursing background?

Believe it or not, you do have options — and you don’t necessarily have to take a massive pay cut, either. If you’re not happy with your job, and you’re ready for something else, making a career transition could be very good for your happiness and your health.

Independent Ear Piercing Specialist

Many nurses, NPs, and healthcare professionals are using Blomdahl Ear Piercing to start up their own business as Independent Ear Piercing Specialist. The start- up kit costs $349 and includes free training. Nurses can earn $50,000 per year with just two piercings, 5 days per week. Blomdahl has a 20-year history working with healthcare professionals to provide a safe ear piercing alternative for American families. After signing up, nurses receive a starter kit which includes everything needed to kick off their business. Additionally, nurses get training that includes practice materials, instructional videos and a live virtual coaching session. Best part is nurses can set their own schedule and only pierce when it works for them. There’s no office, no boss and 100% of profit made from the ear piercing is kept by the nurse.

Med Spa Nurse Specialist

The rise of the med spa industry coincides with the current exodus of nurses from bedside care. Many nurses are finding work in the cosmetic industry, performing Botox injections and other cosmetic treatments at medical spas. The pay is comparable to working in a hospital – minus the stress and anxiety of working in a traditional healthcare setting.

Onsite Screening

There are many opportunities for nurses to work independently to provide point-of-care testing. From Flu and COVID testing to drug and alcohol testing, onsite screening provides customers with rapid turnaround of results and can help people start treatments as soon as possible or determine if an employee is drug free.

Healthcare Education

Interested in moving away from a nursing role, but not quite ready to give up clinical work completely? Healthcare education could be the perfect new career path for you. When you teach, you’ll still stay up to date with your nursing skills, but you won’t spend the majority of your time caring for patients. It’s also a leadership role, where you can provide mentorship and guidance for the next generation of nurses.

Nurses Have Surprising Career Flexibility

Being a nurse, per se, is far from the only thing you can do when you’re an RN. Whether you move into an administrative role or leave healthcare for a career in medical device sales or corporate consulting, there are plenty of options that you can consider if you’re feeling lost and stuck in your current career path.


Share your thoughts in the comments section below.



  1. I did RN case management for a few years before I retired and really enjoyed that. The pay was a little less than the OR, where I had worked for many years, but not significant for me.

  2. There is definite prejudice with a nurse over 65 years.With all my experience no one wants to hire me. I am like the elephant in the room.
    Just dump the older nurse.

    • I am 65 as well and plan on retiring the end of the year at 66. I can’t find anything thus far even with 44 years OB, 3 specialty certifications and experience as a nursing manager and director. I want a remote job with my own hours after 44 years if getting up at 5 AM.

    • I’m 64 and just started a Staff RN position, transitioning from Travel nurse! No problem getting a job with all my experience!! Also Travel Nursing is an option!!

  3. I would just love spending more time with my grands and elders in my Family, Volunteer to teach life skills to young girls ages 12 and up to 17 at a local Community Center.

  4. I volunteer for our local VNA. This is not as a nurse, but I see things differently. The ‘clients’ I see have no idea I’m a nurse. IF I see anything amiss health wise I notify the office. I really enjoy just visiting with the various patients.

  5. Nursing education requires a masters degree even in most hospital and healthcare settings. Plus the pay is way less than working in an inpatient setting

  6. I’ve spent approximately 39 yrs of acute hospital nursing @ the bedside. Thanks presenting different opportunities to me. I’m a BSN RN, & I’m searching for transitioning my acute skill sets to an area(s) away from the bedside(Clinical Patient Educator, Clinical Nurse Educator, Corporate Nurse(Novice Leadership Role), Patient Navigator, Nursing Mentor/Leader, Health Care Coach), just to name a few😋
    Chauntel BSN RN
    11/02/2022 @ 1:42PM/Arizona


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