What Are Your Top Nurse Interview Tips?

You made the cut. You got the call/email. It's go time. The interview has been set. This is the job you want at the (insert medical facility of your choice here). What do you do? What. Do. You. Do.

In all seriousness, landing a job interview is a big deal especially when you are ready and/or desperate to land a new gig. What are your best tips for interview day? What did you do doing your interview that helped you land your job? If you had one piece of interview advice, what would it be? When do you ask about benefits and salary? Did you wear scrubs or office attire during your in person/virtual meeting? What questions did you prepare for ahead of time? How did you get ready for the interview? Let's crowdsource tips to help our fellow nurses out that are looking for work. Share in the comments section below and check back if you are looking for the best tips to get ready for your next interview.


  1. When presented with a scenario you’ve never encountered, don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know; but I’ll find out!” Then go find out!

  2. most places are so desperate for nurses, they will hire the new ones right out of school..Covid has made it easier for new nurses to get jobs, but they also expect you to do things that the senior nurses are saying no way. So always protect yourself because your employer would rather get a bonus than pay for a new n95 for you.

  3. My interviews were in scrubs. I was told to wear scrubs. I did iron them real good before I went. I have a taken a note pad with questions already written and with notes about the faculty I looked up before the interview


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