Wackiest Pet Names Of 2015

The results are in – Baron Von Furrypants nosed out Artoo Dogtoo and Leonardo DiCatprio purred past Fuzz Lightyear to be named the Wackiest Pet Names of 2015. Each year, Nationwide recognizes the most clever, creative and quirky pet names across the nation. After a thorough selection process, 50 kooky canine and 50 comical cat names were chosen from Nationwide's database of more than 525,000 insured pets. The top 10 dog and 10 cat monikers were put to a public vote, where Baron Von Furrypants and Leonardo DiCatprio were chosen as the wackiest. Following are the 10 Wackiest Dog and Cat Names of 2015:



1.  Baron Von Furrypants

2.  Artoo Dogtoo    

3.  Rosie Picklebottom

4.  Parker the Barker

5.  Abigail Carmichael Spartacus

6.  Smiley Cyrus

7.  Nutmeg Spice O' Paris  

8.  Abraham Lincoln Continental

9.  Bizkit Au Chocolat                   

10. Scuddles Unterfuss

1.  Leonardo DiCatprio

2.  Fuzz Lightyear

3.  Captain Pancake

4.  Sir Nigel Meowmittens of Oscelot Court

5.  Ziggy Ollyoxenfree

6.  Zelda Nacho

7.  Sophistikitty

8.  Cornelius McPudness Vandercat

9.  Sir Theodorable Purrsalot

10. Star Wars Steve

For photos and background stories of the winners and the top 10 nominees, along with the full list of the 50 wackiest dog and cat names, visit www.wackypetnames.com.


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