U.S. News & World Report Announces 2016-17 Best Hospitals

U.S. News & World Report has released its 27th annual Best Hospitals rankings to help patients make more informed health care decisions. U.S. News compared nearly 5,000 medical centers nationwide in 25 specialties, procedures and conditions.

This year the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is No. 1 on the Honor Roll, which has been expanded to highlight 20 hospitals delivering exceptional treatment across multiple areas of care. The Cleveland Clinic is No. 2, followed by Massachusetts General Hospital at No. 3. U.S. News also recognized 504 Best Regional Hospitals in states and metro areas.

In the specialty rankings, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is No. 1 in cancer, the Cleveland Clinic is No. 1 in cardiology & heart surgery and the Hospital for Special Surgery is No. 1 in orthopedics. A total of 153 hospitals were nationally ranked in at least one specialty.

2016-17 Best Hospitals Honor Roll

1. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
2. Cleveland Clinic
3. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
4. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
5. UCLA Medical Center
6. New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
7. UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco
8. Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago
9. Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian, Philadelphia
10. NYU Langone Medical Center
11. Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University, St. Louis
12. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside, Pittsburgh
13. Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston
14. Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital, Stanford, Calif.
15. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
16. Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
17. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles
18. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, Ann Arbor
19. Houston Methodist Hospital
20. University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora

The Best Hospitals methodologies include objective measures such as patient survival, number of patients, infection, adequacy of nurse staffing and more. Methodology updates made for 2016-17 include:

  • U.S. News evaluated hospitals in four new areas: abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, aortic valve surgery, colon cancer surgery and lung cancer surgery. Read more.
  • U.S. News made further adjustments to account for the socioeconomic mix of patients treated at hospitals. As a result, a hospital will not be negatively impacted if it sees large numbers of low-income patients. Read more.
  • U.S. News credited hospitals that voluntarily make key data public in cardiology & heart surgery. The change reduced the weight reputation has in the specialty. Read more.

"We strive to provide patients with the highest-quality information on hospitals available," said Ben Harder, chief of health analysis at U.S. News. "Driving for broader transparency and evaluating hospitals in a comprehensive, fair way reflects that mission."

The rankings, freely available online, will also be published in the U.S. News "Best Hospitals 2017" guidebook (ISBN 978-1-931469-77-7), available for pre-sale August 1 from the U.S. News Store.

Best Hospitals was produced by U.S. News with RTI International, a leading research organization based in Research Triangle Park, N.C. In an exclusive arrangement, the launch of this edition of Best Hospitals is being sponsored by Fidelity Investments.

Top Five Best Hospitals in Selected Specialties

Top 5: Cancer
1. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
2. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
3. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
4. Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center, Boston
5. UCLA Medical Center

Top 5: Cardiology & Heart Surgery
1. Cleveland Clinic
2. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
3. New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
4. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
5. Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.

Top 5: Orthopedics
1. Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
2. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
3. Cleveland Clinic
4. Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
5. Hospital for Joint Diseases, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York

For the full rankings, visit Best Hospitals and use #BestHospitals on Facebook and Twitter.



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