Top 30 Words Americans Struggle to Pronounce

How do you say quinoa? When talking about your favorite quinoa recipe with a friend, do you find yourself whispering the 'q' word for fear you might be saying it wrong? Or when you want to order a bunch of peonies do you point to the flower or describe it so you don't mispronounce it?

You are so not alone: Quinoa and peony are on the list of the top 30 words Americans struggle to pronounce according to  Analyzing internal data on the number of audio plays for pronunciation that each word receives, the website developed the list alongside lexicographer research.

Here are the top 30 words Americans struggle to pronounce
  • 1. affidavit [af-i-dey-vit]
  • 2. almond [ah-muh nd, am-uh nd]
  • 3. beget [bih-get]
  • 4. cache [kash]
  • 5. caramel [kar-uh-muh l, -mel, kahr-muh l]
  • 6. coupon [koo-pon, kyoo-]
  • 7. croissant [French krwah-sahn; English kruh-sahnt]
  • 8. epitome [ih-pit-uh-mee]
  • 9. espresso [e-spres-oh]
  • 10. et cetera [et set-er-uh, se-truh]
  • 11. façade [fuh-sahd, fa-]
  • 12. fiery [fahyuh r-ee, fahy-uh-ree]
  • 13. genre [zhahn-ruh; French zhahn-ruh]
  • 14. haute [oht]
  • 15. hyperbole [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
  • 16. lambaste [lam-beyst, -bast]
  • 17. mauve [mohv]
  • 18. mischievous [mis-chuh-vuh s]
  • 19. niche [nich]
  • 20. peony [pee-uh-nee]
  • 21. prerogative [pri-rog-uh-tiv, puh-rog-]
  • 22. quinoa [keen-wah, kee-noh-uh]
  • 23. reservoir [rez-er-vwahr, -vwawr, -vawr, rez-uh-]
  • 24. salmon [sam-uh n]
  • 25. sherbet [shur-bit]
  • 26. turmeric [tur-mer-ik]
  • 27. verbiage [vur-bee-ij]
  • 28. Weimaraner [vahy-muh-rah-ner, wahy-, wahy-muh-rey-]
  • 29. whet [hwet, wet]
  • 30. Worcestershire [woo s-ter-sheer, -sher]

So which words caught your attention and do you have your own list of words that you struggle with the correct pronunciation? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.



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