Nursing Students, Think You’re Ready For The NCLEX?

So, you think you’re ready for the NCLEX exam? Well, considering the fact that registering for the NCLEX costs $200, it’s best to be fairly confident you’ll pass before taking it. To find out where you stand, try taking our FREE practice quiz at the bottom of this page. Before you take it, however, be sure to review the types of NCLEX questions that nursing students tend to struggle with. Here are some of the most commonly missed NCLEX questions:

New Format Questions

In 2004, new types of questions were added to the NCLEX. Unlike the standard multiple-choice questions that make up the majority of the exam, new-format questions may require students to listen to short audio clips, identify specific items from pictures, or fill in their answers. While the topics tested by these questions aren’t particularly complex in most cases, the formatting tends to throw students off.

Prioritization Questions

By now, you’ve probably heard someone discuss the need to pick the “MOST right” answer when working through certain NCLEX questions. With prioritization questions, this is definitely the case. These types of questions typically contain multiple responses that could be considered correct, but only one response will net you points.

The Dreaded Select-All-That-Apply Questions

Prioritization questions can be a pain, but they’re a walk in the park compared to select-all-that-apply questions. These questions always have more than one right answer, and you need to select all of the right answers in order to get credit. The best way to approach these questions is to break them down and determine what they’re asking for before you start to rule out potential responses.

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The best way to prevent nosocomial infections is to:

a. Perform regular hand hygiene

b. Keep sick patients isolated

c. Screen hospital visitors for illnesses

d. Change linens on a daily basis


Which of the following issues place patients at an increased risk for developing a nosocomial infection? (select all that apply)

a. Diminished appetite

b. Has an indwelling Foley catheter

c. Obesity

d. Open wounds

e. Has an intravenous line


Culture and sensitivity tests are important in the patient-care setting because:

a. Not all wounds should be treated

b. Some infections are worse than others

c. Different organisms are treated with different antibiotics

d. Patients have a right to know


Which patient should you attend to first when starting your shift?

a. A 36-year-old man who is having trouble breathing

b. A 26-year-old woman who is complaining of abdominal pain

d. An elderly male patient who is disoriented

d. An elderly female patient who needs toileting assistance


One of your patients has just been diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and states, “I can’t stop thinking about death.” How should you respond?

a. “Try not to think about death too much.”

b. “Can you tell me more about these thoughts and how you’re feeling?”

c. “That’s normal considering your diagnosis.”

d. “If you stay positive, I’m sure everything will be fine.”


The doctor has ordered 0.25 g of amoxicillin for your patient. Only 125 mg tablets of amoxicillin are available. How many tablets should you give per dose?

a. 1 tablet

b. 4 tablets

c. 50 tablets

d. 2 tablets


Which of the following children is at greatest risk for cognitive impairment?

a. A 3-year-old child living in an older home undergoing renovations

b. A preschooler who was breast fed until the age of 2

c. A 2-year-old child who has 5 older siblings

d. A school-age child who has recently moved


Which patient statement indicates an understanding of immunosuppression?

a. “I need to take medications to prevent my body from attacking the donor organ.”

b. “As long as my donor is related to me, my body will treat the new kidney as its own.”

c. “I can’t go out as much now that I have a new kidney.”

d. “In a few years, I can stop taking my immunosuppressant medications.”


Several of the following medical conditions are associated with anxiety. Which ones aren’t? (select all that apply)

a. Hypothyroidism

b. Dysrhythmias

c. Lung Cancer

d. Arthritis

e. Hyperthyroidism


When determining whether or not a patient has a thyroid disorder, which of the following questions will provide the most useful information?

a. “What time do you usually go to bed?”

b. “How many meals do you prepare throughout the day?”

c.“Has your weight fluctuated recently?”

d. “Do you have any food allergies?”


Answers: 1. a 2. b, d, e 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. d 7. a 8. a 9. a, d 10. c


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


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