New Year….New Focus

With the New Year upon us it is time for new focus, both personal and professional. Some of us want to lose weight, quit smoking, or just be a better person in our personal lives, but what do we want in our professional lives?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Get certified in whatever specialty you work in. This not only shows your commitment to our profession, but makes you stand out when it’s seen on your resume.
  • Become a mentor to a new nurse. Remember how hard your first year as a nurse, or on a new unit, was? Help them manage the roadblocks that come from everywhere.
  • Spend more time with your patients. I know what you’re saying – I would love to but the hospital/my manager/regulatory agencies/etc. are putting too much on me and I don’t have the time. What I am saying is, try to learn how to prioritize those requirements so you can sit and talk to your patients.

For me and my unit, my focus this year will be on team building. I have built a great team over the past year I have been on this unit. We have met all our goals this year and I just found out we had the highest patient satisfaction scores in the entire organization. Higher than Labor and Delivery where patients are happy they are in the hospital!

I want my staff to be proud of their accomplishments and strive to make even great ones in the coming year.

Happy New Year to all my fellow nurses out there, I am proud to be a part of team!

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


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