Did You See It? –Nurse Delivers Target Shopper’s Baby

It was supposed to be a quick trip to Target to pick up a few things. But when you are a nurse, sometimes your average, everyday activities can turn even the most ordinary day into something extraordinary.

Tanya St. Preux was shopping at Target when she went into active labor. Thankfully, Caris Lockwood was also inside the store and she happens to work as a labor and delivery nurse at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital.

According to Piedmont Healthcare, Lockwood jumped right into action and delivered a 7-pound, 10-ounce healthy baby boy at the entrance of the store.

Monday, Piedmont Healthcare shared a photo on Facebook of the two women, smiling as paramedics arrived on scene.

"Caris was God-sent and amazing," St. Preux told Piedmont Healthcare. "She was sweet and caring and exceeded everyone's expectations. She went way over far and beyond."

Piedmont Healthcare's Facebook post has more than 5,000 likes.

"Caris is one of the best nurses and people I have ever met! She is a pleasure to work with and truly loves all her patients," Natalie Crawford commented. "If anyone is going to deliver a baby in a parking lot, she's the one to do it!"

Lockwood's mother said she was at the store with her daughter when the woman went into labor.

"I saw a very pregnant woman who looked to be in pain," Bozeman said. "She mentioned that she needed to get a few things, then 'might' go to the hospital to be checked since her contractions seemed to be getting strong."

That's when Bozeman told St. Preux she should talk to her daughter.

"We urged her friend to go ahead and bring the car to the entrance and we were helping her to the car. Her contractions and pain were increasing as we walked with her to the car," Bozeman said. "Just when we got outside the store her water broke."

Lockwood instructed her sister, Joy, who was also at Target, to run inside and quickly ask for sterile gloves and towels. Seconds later, a baby boy arrived.

"The next minute God provided an ER nurse who stopped to assist," Bozeman said. "Then, shortly after that a NICU nurse came by and offered to help. Thankfully, she was not needed."

Responding paramedics let Lockwood cut the umbilical cord, then took the mother to the hospital.

"We feel so blessed to have been part of this," Bozeman said. "We have visited the family at the hospital and their home, and plan to have a lifetime of friendship with them. We love that they are calling us family!"


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