Healthcare Jobs
What Will You Do After Nursing?
Have you been considering a change of career? Nursing can be an incredibly stressful job. After the onset of Covid-19 and the struggles of dealing with constant low staffing,...
3 Signs You’re Ready to Pursue Your Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Are you a nurse who's ready to take your career and education to the next level? Have you...
What Factors Contribute To Inclusive Culture In Health Care Organizations?
The importance of an inclusive workforce culture in health care is key to advancing scientific inquiry, improving the...
Nurse as Maker: Democratizing Medical Innovation Starts Here
Inventing and improving medical devices can be a long and arduous process. Oftentimes it’s also a process that...
The Top 10 States for Nurses
The best state to work as a nurse is Maine, followed by Montana and Washington, according to a new report from financial website WalletHub....
Did you read it? Hospitals Sicken Many By Withholding Food and Sleep
A Johns Hopkins surgeon and prominent patient safety researcher is calling on hospitals to reform emergency room, surgical and other medical protocols that sicken up...
Q&A: How Do I Cope With Workplace Drama?
Here’s a fact: If you’re an average nurse, you work for around one third of your life. And if you take on overtime or...
8 Ways Nurses Can Make Extra Cash
Sometimes you need or want a bit more money than you’re earning from your regular salary.
It could be that you’re planning a special vacation,...
How Do I Deal With Bickering and Backstabbing?
People in groups, especially in professionally structured groups, tend to bicker with each other about the way things should be run. It’s human nature...
5 Things Every Nurse Needs to Know About CRNAs
How much do YOU know about nurse anesthetists? Perhaps surprisingly, they’ve been providing anesthesia care to patients in the U.S. for more than 150...
Bitten by a Turkey? There’s an ICD-10 code for that!
It's bigger, it's badder, it's more billable medical codes than you could ever imagine. Ladies and gentlemen, it's the newest iteration of the “International Classification of Diseases”!