Be Inspired By “The Call of Nursing: Stories From The Front Lines of Health Care”

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

Every so often, we stumble across a book on nursing that we can’t wait to share with our readers. Our newest pick?


William B. Patrick’s

The Call of Nursing: Stories from the Front Lines of Health Care. Have you read it?


The Call

The Call of Nursing, much like the title suggests, offers an intimate and inspirational look at 23 nurses and their personal career stories. They describe in their own words how and why they do what they do, and what has mattered most to them in their professional careers.

Some excerpts from the book:

“People go through their lives, and, for the most part, they raise a family and go to work and just try to enjoy those lives. Then something happens – a stroke, a car wreck, a heart attack, some traumatic event. In the hour after that, they live or die. When I can help them live, the feeling is impossible to describe.”

“I could feel her heart beating against my fingertips…”

“I had a forty-eight-year-old guy stroke out on me in the middle of the Red Sea…”

“I didn’t know for sure that was the last time her mother was going to see her alive, but something told me, Let this mother hold her child’s hand for just a few seconds…”

Professional Reviews:

“If you are a nurse, you’ll recognize yourself somewhere in here. If you’re lucky enough to have a nurse as a friend or family member, you will probably rush through reading it so you can share these stories with them. And, if you aren’t a nurse yet, I guarantee this book will make you consider becoming one.” – Gertrude Hutchinson—Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History

“These first-person testimonies capture the full sweep of the profession, here and abroad, and in many different institutional settings. In every role they play, these skilled and experienced nurses help make the difference between life and death.” – Suzanne Gordon—Nursing Against the Odds and From Silence To Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public

What nurses on Amazon have to say:

“These stories and the depth of the writers made me remember why I love being a nurse! It also kept me motivated when I had a bad day, re-reading stories.” – Lady B.

“Each story is a compelling insight as to what drives nurses and those who want to become a nurse to that call of duty. The sacrifices and dedication are clearly written and at times it makes you nearly tear up to see the limits as to what some of our nations finest have gone through to make a difference. If you, or anyone you know is thinking of becoming a nurse, this is a must read to either sway them towards or away from this profession. I particularly like the military perspective.” – Patriot RN

In the comments below, let us know if you’ve read the book and what you thought. We’d also love to hear all about YOUR favorite books on nursing, or by nurses.


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


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