16 Feelings Every Nursing Student Experiences

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

Anyone who has attended or is currently attending nursing school knows that it can be an emotional roller coaster at times. (Okay, all of the time!) Here are 16 of the most common feelings that every nursing student experiences…

1. When people told me that nursing school would be difficult:


2. When I wrapped up my first week of classes and I realized that those people were right:


3. When I get a test question that has more than one correct answer:


4. When I get a test…yes, ANY test:


5. When someone ACTUALLY gets an answer right in class:


6. When the brown noser gets the answer right in class:


7. When the professor assigns another care plan:

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8. When I’m trying to process all of the information in class:


9. When I actually understand what the professor is teaching:


10. When I’m studying for the NCLEX:


11. When I look at the test and I can’t answer the first question:


12. When I first learned that the correct answer isn’t always the correct answer:


13. When time has run out and I have to submit my exam:


14. When I get my exam back from the professor and I “nailed it”:


15. When I walk across the stage on graduation day like a SUPERSTAR nurse:


A few days after graduation….

16. When I realize that I’m done with school and I still know NOTHING:


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.



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