When It’s Time to Change Jobs

We've all been there. You know it's time for a change but are too exhausted, too busy to look up and even think about finding a new job. A nurse friend of mine recently changed jobs and her story of making the move is one we can all relate to. Understaffed, underpaid, and overworked, she did her work for the nurse to her left, the nurse to her right and the patient in front of her.

One late night in the middle of a tough shift, her most trusted nurse friend asked to talk privately with her. It was an instant pit in her stomach and she knew. He was leaving. He didn't have another job lined up yet, but knew he had to get out of there for his own well being. As tears streamed down her face, she said she understood and wished him luck.

Then something strange happened. She felt a new sense of freedom. If he could do it, if he could leave, then so could she. In that moment she put herself and her career first and leaned in to finding a new job. Happy to report she started her new job last week and feels a renewed excitement and joy in her nursing career. No job is perfect, but she knows she made the right move and is where she needs to be.

When is the right moment to make a change? What will your catalyst be? How long have you been mulling over finding a new job? If you are curious or ready to make a move, we have added tools to ModernNurse to make it easier and efficient, knowing that our time is limited and precious. Check our ModernNurse Jobs and let us know what you think and how we can help one another out in this crazy, wonderful nurse life. Best of luck, nurse job seekers!

What do you think? What's your job change story? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.


  1. Yes, work can become like a co-dependent and possibly toxic relationship!
    Nursing school should have a self-care 101 course. I was at a breast CA walk yesterday with nurses and unfortunately most healthcare facilities do not even consider retention of trained nurses so hence the more experienced nurse -the more difficult it is to make that move! Trust me, call in sick for a mental wellness check and do some soul and job searching.
    YOUR over-all well-being is the priority!
    Life is short-YOLO-it’s not selfish to think about YOU-no, it is intelligent…followed by your children
    and closest love ones and/or friends….

    Remember time is money and money is time and nurses never seem to have enough of either!


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