Top 7 Mistakes To Avoid In Your Nursing Career

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

When you first become a nurse, it’s easy to believe that you’ll always love your job. But there will come a time where burnout, frustration and boredom take their toll. While you can’t avoid every pitfall, there are some mistakes that you can veer around.

Make the most of your career as a nurse by avoiding these seven mistakes.

1. Rushing Into Becoming a Nurse

If you’re thinking of becoming a nurse, take the time to talk to seasoned veterans and get the inside scoop. Visit nursing schools to learn about prerequisites. Volunteer at a hospital or clinic to see if you really have a passion for medicine. Nursing is one of the most rewarding jobs out there, but it’s best to be prepared before you dive in.

Sure, some of us are really impulsive and can pull off a career switch or educational 180 with ease. Most of us, though, need a little more preparation. Deciding on a career path is a big decision – whether you’re 17 or 47 – but it’s particularly important to think through your choice to become a nurse because there is so much involved. Prereqs. Nursing school. NCLEX. New grad programs. A lot goes into becoming a nurse –which is why not everyone can be one!

2. Changing Specialties Too Many Times

You started in med/surg but soon got bored and moved to L&D. A few months later you got tired of your boss and jumped to same day surgery. A year later you were on to pediatrics. Switching nursing specialties can be a great way to learn what you really have a passion for, but changing areas too quickly or too many times can cause burnout or hurt your career. You might begin to feel like you don’t have a place in nursing and potential employers might wonder why you haven’t committed to one area for very long.

Give each specialty you enter a chance before you take off for something more enticing. Talk to nurses who are currently working in the area you are considering as well as nurses who have left that specialty. They can give you the nitty gritty details on what that area is really like.

3. Not Changing Specialties Enough

On the other side of the coin, you could damage your career by not trying out enough different specialties. Of course, if you love the NICU, don’t leave just to try something else. But if you’re staying in the OR because it’s safe and familiar (but you’re bored out of your mind!), take the risk and apply to another area. You never know what you might be destined to do!

4. Letting Your Job Control Your Life

With late-night shifts and long hours, it’s easy to let your nursing career take over the rest of your life. Maintaining work-life balance is a key element in being stress-free and loving your job. Sure, there will be times when your 12-hour shift seems to stretch into a 24-hour shift, but leave that pressure at home. Remember to take time for yourself, your friends and your family – even if it’s just one night a week.

5. Ignoring Compassion Fatigue

Compassion fatigue (otherwise known as “burnout”) can hit even the most conscientious nurse from time to time. The key is recognizing burnout and making a concentrated effort to eradicate it. Of course, there will always be those patients, families, and colleagues that make you want to tear your hair out, but that doesn’t have to ruin your nursing career.

Feeling burned out? Take a step back and think to yourself “What am I worried about? Is something outside work stressing me out?” Look into changing shifts if working in the middle of the night isn’t your cup of tea. Have some vacation time saved up? Take some time off – alone or with family and friends. Lastly, think back to all the reasons you wanted to become a nurse. Make a list of these reasons and look at it every once in a while to remind yourself of all the great things about your job.

6. Believing You’re “Just a Nurse”

As featured author Donna Cardillo said, “Just a nurse? No such thing!” Don’t let anyone beat you down and make you feel inferior. You care for the sick. You inspire the down-trodden. And you save lives! There really is no such thing as “just a nurse.” Be proud of what you do and why you do it.

7. Not Gathering Nurse Allies

We’ve all heard the phrase “Nurses eat their young” and many NursingLink members have said that is definitely true. But even with the drama that may occur, there is always room for friendship. Connecting with other nurses is a great way to avoid burnout, re-ignite your passion for nursing, and expand your knowledge. Whether it’s nurse friends at work or nurses from another facility, they will understand you like your non-nursing friends never will.

Nurse allies can benefit more than your mental health. They can help you advance your career by writing recommendations and finding job openings. It’s always good to have someone who’s looking out for you – and who better to do it than someone who can literally save your life!

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. 42 years in nursing and still loving it! I came to this country as a graduate nurse and worked in Med-Surg area and developed my time management and prioritizing. Passed my NCLEX and moved to ICU-CCU where I learned my critical thinking skills. After I received my green card moved to a medical center and worked as a post open heart recovery nurse until my third child and then joined the newly opened PTCA unit. Worked night shift for family reason and when my third child attended school left night shift and took on Same Day Surgery position in another Medical Center and now on my 22nd year. I have seen the changes in health care and working with all the innovations and really enjoying it. I will be 65 years old this year and planning three more years with God’s grace!

  2. During 35 yrs of nursing I took a few burnout breaks and looked at other career options. I always came back to nursing though because that’s what I’ve always wanted to do since I was a kid. But I agree with Irene, it’s all corporate negativity and between that and some medical issues I’ve retired. I miss the work and the patients but not the politics.

  3. I am celebrating 62 years of nursing and still enjoying it. I have worked in about every specialty but mostly in Mental Health. I am a part time adjunct professor at the local state college where I teach clinical psychiatric nursing. When asked when are you retiring, I say 7 more years when I turn 90.

  4. I am celebrating 45 years in Nursing the last 32 years as a RN and have enjoyed almost all of those years. I graduated with my BSN in 2011 and have worked in all areas of nursing except the OR. I recently retired or semi retired and work 1 or 2 days a month for a Home for Hospice. My previous job was extremely stressful as worked in a new observation unit on nights with another nurse and would get 7 to 8 admission s with no help from anyone! We would be promised an aide once the census reached a certain level but more often than not that never happened. The type of patients frequently did not meet the criteria but again it didn’t matter. Plus being called to come in because they didn’t have staff when you are off and trying to have a life got to bee too much that it was better to leave for sanity sake. Working at the Home for Hospice is so much more of a calm environment and less stressful environment I really love it. The best thing for any new nurse is to find your niche by asking people in the different areas you may have interest in and ask them questions about what they love and hate about where they work in, ask those you could see as mentors (like those you saw while going through school). I would be willing even to speak to any about my experiences.

  5. Today is when I performed CPR on my grandfather who was 64 almost 65 years old and I celebrate 13 years of nursing 10 as a nursing assistant and 3 as a nurse but this has made me who I am and I don’t forget where I came from! I stay strong and nurse on….my grandfather is my hero I always looked up to him my inspiration although he didn’t make it I have saved a women who did 11 years ago and you can’t save them all but you can say you tried and he is with me just as my great grandmother who battled cancer they’re the Angels watching over me every step of the way!???

  6. 13 years strong…sure there are many times I am at that crossroad of being on the verge of a breakdown from too much stress but the reason I am here keeps me tracking on to the next one day by day shift by shift. Find your inner self and make peace with all your hardships no matter what do not give in! You know why your here and no one can take that from you so nurse strong and nurse on….


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