Nurses Need Happy Places, Too

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

Whether it’s under the covers tucked-in, or on the hot sand in the Bahamas with a Mai Tai, every nurse has their own idea of what their happy place is. When we turned to our readers to see what their “Happy Place” was, we got some pretty awesome responses! Take a look and see if you agree. Don't forget to add your own answer in the comments section below!

Where is your happy place?

1. After a 12 hour night shift, I can’t wait to take my uniform off, my bra off, put on my t-shirt & sweat pants, have a cup of coffee, and rest my head on my pillow – Renee J.


2. 17 hr. shift…done and dusted. In bed… 2 warm little dogs… chocolate… glass of wine… it’s 8:44am lol! – Lois P.


3. Happy place is the driver’s seat of my car…because that means it’s home time – Tony B.


4. ANYWHERE outside and away from work is my happy place.. anywhere. – Zuzana G.


5. Minus the cat, plus my husband and a glass of wine next to the bed. – Sandy E.


6. Or a nice hot shower! – Erin S.


7. In my bed or sitting on the beach. – Debbie W.


Your turn!!! Share your 'happy place' in the comments section below.

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. Hiking with my husband. Just being outside. No other people in sight. Occasionally seeing rabbits, deer, foxes. No monitor alarms.

  2. out on the water on a sailboat!! what happens on shore, stays on shore! the wind, the sun, the spray all work to refresh my soul

  3. My happy place is to remember watching baby bears and their mama in Denali Park in Alaska they were playing and mama would turn and growl at them when they were lagging behind it was so peaceful and beautiful

  4. On the Motorcycle, getting important “Wind Therapy” no feeling like it in the world!!! Every worry drops off like the miles you leave behind.

  5. Many places: on the beach with my music knowing no one and/or snuggling with my kids (pups) watching classic movies and most importantly turning off ALL technology except the TV.

  6. On my back patio with a glass of wine looking at the nature. The day is just starting, while I just finished my night. And a phone call to a friend, then I’m good!


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