Nurses Have Surprising Career Flexibility

More and more nurses are making creative career choices with their Nursing License. 

While traditional bedside nursing jobs continue to be the norm, many nurses are seeing their Nursing License as a business which allows them the freedom to take on side gigs or work for themselves. 

One example is Blomdahl Ear Piercing. Since 2000, thousands of physicians have partnered with Blomdahl to provide ear piercing for patients. Now Nurses can access the same Ear Piercing Starter Business Program and work independently, too! The start up kit costs $349 and includes free training. Nurses can earn $50,000 per year with just two piercings, 5 days per week.

“Piercing with Blomdahl is easy and convenient. I like that I get to set my own schedule and prices.” said Julie Carpio, RN. “My clients express appreciation for my services and love the idea of safe, in-home piercings by a Registered Nurse. I have had fun meeting new people and enjoy being a part of such an exciting milestone in other’s lives.

Blomdahl has a 20-year history working with healthcare professionals to provide a safe ear piercing alternative for American families. After signing up, Nurses receive a starter kit which includes everything needed to kick off their business. Additionally, nurses get training that includes practice materials, instructional videos and a live virtual coaching session. Best part is nurses can set their own schedule and only pierce when it works for them. There’s no office, no boss and all profit made from the ear piercing is yours.

“This is such a great opportunity for nurses! The demand for in-home medical ear piercing is huge and you can start and stop on your own time,” said Dave Loftus, Blomdahl USA founder, “It’s a safe, sterile process that’s perfect for nurses looking for creative business opportunities using their Nursing License.”

The Safest Ear Piercing System

  • Medical Ear Piercing utilizes single use, disposable cassettes to prevent blood borne virus transmission.
  • Medical grade materials to prevent the onset of Nickel Allergy.
  • Sold exclusively to medical professionals.

Success from the Start

  • Your Starter Kit will cost $349 and includes everything you need to get started.
  • Training is included at no extra cost.

Happy Nurses!

  • Click here for testimonials from our Blomdahl Nurses!

If being your own boss and getting creative with your Nursing License is of interest, reach out to the Blomdahl Nurse Program for more information. Learn more here

Please comment in the section below with any questions or to request more information.


    • Hi Jan!

      The Nurse Program Starter Kit includes: One piercing instrument, ear piercing display, one carton of aftercare swabs, 2 boxes of ear piercing cassettes (10 pairs), 10 pairs of our skin friendly regular earrings (to switch into 6-8 weeks after the piercing) and practice material. We also provide a personalized website with an appointment system and business cards.

      ~Blomdahl USA

    • Hi Anne,

      Your starter kit includes everything you need to get started, including 10 pairs of our regular earrings for a second revenue opportunity!

      You will also receive training which includes practice materials, instructional videos and a live virtual coaching session to help you get started on your path to success.

      If you’d like to receive further information about the program you can connect with us here:

      Thank you!
      Colleen, Blomdahl USA


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