Nurse Bling: 9 Fall Finds

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

What’s not to love about fall? The air is crisp, your favorite holiday drinks are poised to make a triumphant return and all kinds of fall-themed nurse goodies are making their way onto the scene, from badge reels to scrubs tops. And because we know you’re busy, but never too busy to appreciate a seasonal nurse-friendly item, we went ahead and gathered some picks for you.

Are you ready to ring in the season with some ultra-cozy, all-fall finds?

We certainly hope so, ’cause we’re pretty jazzed about them ourselves.

1. Mug sleeve

Okay, yes—there is a practical element to this item. However, let’s not overlook the more immediate draw, which is the fact that it’s absolutely adorable.

Find it here.

2. Knitted steth cover 

Again, too cute for words.

Find it here.

3. Nursing student tote bag

Nursing students are constantly carting classroom necessities to and fro—why not do just that using a tote bag that’s nearly as fall-ready as you are?

Part canvas, part faux leather with a plaid print and a zipper closure, this bag practically screams “colder weather is coming.”

Find it here.

4. Code Happy work bag

A prime example of “fashion meets function,” this Code Happy work bag is not only treated with Certainty antimicrobial technology, but also features a water-resistant exterior and pockets galore (and we all know how much nurses love their pockets).

The black-and-tan color scheme makes this tote the perfect match for any nurse with both safety and style in mind.

Shop all Nursing Totes here.

5. Badge reel

Fall merriment with a Southern twist—we dig it.

Find it here.

6. Personalized fleece

Fleece and fall—two things that pretty much go hand in hand.

Find it here.

7. Wreath

A true statement piece, this wreath is a fun (and sassy) addition to any front door or nurse’s station.

Find it here.

8. Pumpkin caramel latte scented candle

Now you can get your pumpkin spice latte fix while you relax.

It’s kind of like a small gift from the nursing gods, isn’t it? (Or just a really clever Etsy seller.)

Find it here.

9. Fall scrubs


Your scrubs really can channel the season, and these tops are proof. Above (from left to right), we have the “Harvest Time” V-neck with contrasting prints, a second V-neck with a blend of subtle autumn hues and a wine-colored mock wrap top from Cherokee.

You can BOGO 40% Off Cherokee Scrubs this week at Scrubs & Beyond

Nurses—what fall accessory or item are you most excited about? Tell us in the comments section below! 

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. Earrings, earrings, earrings! I usually wear my hair pulled back or in a high pony tail (I live in Texas…we still have summer tome heat). I look for fun and funky fall colors earrings to wear.


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