Women – By the way, this list is cumulative
20’s – Before you are married or before you being having intercourse (whichever comes first) – Screening pap smear and breast exam. Once you start them, you need to have them yearly! Yearly blood pressure and heart rate – know your numbers and know what is normal. Begin monthly breast exams.
30’s – Add in your Yearly Total Cholesterol (you must be fasting, nothing to eat after midnight prior to this test – only black coffee and water the morning of), Comprehensive Metabolic Profile, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
40’s – Add in those things from your 20’s and 30’s, Now it is time for your first mammogram and should be at 40 years old, or earlier if you have a first degree family member with early onset breast cancer (this means mother and sister before the age of 50, check with your doctor if you have aunts or grandmothers with breast cancer history). Most insurances will pay for this without a referral. These should be yearly (regardless of what you have heard)!
50’s – At 50 years old you need to get your screening colonoscopy. This is really not that BIG of a deal. You only need 1 every 10 years. Honestly, the prep for the test is really the pain in the butt (no pun intended, bahahahaha), the test itself is a breeze. You are given sedation, YAY!!So you won’t remember anything about the actual test. Did you know: Colon cancer is usually a silent killer, once you begin having pain from it — it has gone too far.
Men (You’ve got it easy, if you ask me!)
20’s – Monthly Self-Testicular Exams – that is all I will say about that unless you need further details! Yearly blood pressure and heart rate – know your numbers and know what is normal.
30’s – Add in your Yearly Total Cholesterol (you must be fasting, nothing to eat after midnight prior to this test – only black coffee and water the morning of) and a Comprehensive Metabolic Profile.
40’s – Begin prostate exams at 40 and have a PSA drawn yearly – I mean really men, read our list – count your blessings, and go get your prostate’s examined!
50’s – At 50 years old you need to get your screening colonoscopy. This is really not that BIG of a deal. You only need 1 every 10 years. Honestly, the prep for the test is really the pain in the butt (no pun intended, bahahahaha), the test itself is a breeze. You are given sedation, YAY!! Colon cancer is usually a silent killer, once you begin having pain from it — it has gone too far.
So, what hinders you from getting those yearly check-ups? What did we forget? We want to hear from you in the comments section below.
This article was republished with permission from The NP Mom.
A baseline EKG should be in there as well. I would suggest first by age 40 at the latest. Then one during your annual physical going forward.
By the way, I am also a nurse & I dragged my husband to the doctor for his first physical about 25 years ago. Now he just needs a reminder.
My husband was 12 yrs younger than me. Hadn’t seen a Dr since high school (+14 yrs!). Except for the occasional trips to the walk-in after a dumb move. Hooked him up with a colleague of my Dr. First visit Dr asks, “Why are you here? You’re young and healthy!” Husband answers, “ My wife’s a nurse. She made me come.” Doc let him leave without a history and physical, no bloodwork, didn’t even put a stethoscope on his chest! Husband is back in the waiting room 15 min later. I marched him back in and raised hell! How many of us have resuscitated an apparently healthy young adult?
Everyone!! needs a PCP and an annual physical. Walk-ins are no substitute.
Btw, I saw my PCP peeking out of his office at the row I was creating, then go back in shaking his head, muttering, “I don’t know what you did, but you shouldn’t have done it with her!”
Guilty as charged. I just don’t have time!!! And I have never gotten a straight answer on how often you really need a pelvic exam post hysterectomy (still have my ovaries).