Has Nursing Taught You To Be A Better Parent?

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

It’s unquestionable: being a nurse influences your whole life. With such a demanding yet such an enriching job, there are many things you learn to handle and to look at in very different ways.

Have you ever thought how your nursing career influences your parenting and the way you interact with your children? Of course, the obvious answer might be time-related, since being a nurse consumes a lot of resources. But there is more to it than this.

You Have Seen It All

Oh, the wonders of having witnessed so many weird, stressful and diverse situations! Not only does a panic attack or a tantrum no longer scare you in any way, but you are now more in control of seeing through whatever is happening. You have a flair for dealing with stress, and it takes a real blow to take you off trails.

If many parents are much quicker to judge a bad behavior as a sign of pure evilness, you do not jump to conclusions. You take your time to look at your kid carefully and see deeper, beyond the tantrum. If your children are acting out, you first try to consider whether they are simply very tired or just under a lot of psychological stress. Your refined observation and empathic skills will prove to be one of your best friends when it comes to raising children. Not only will you cut to the chase and know more precisely what the cause of poor behavior is, but your experience will also get you closer to your children. They will feel more appreciated by a parent who cares to listen, and their confidence level will grow in a healthy way.

You Are Not Very Impressionable

When your child is craving for a little more attention or trying their luck at getting some sick days, well – it doesn’t really happen. There is no typical physical injury or condition that you haven’t come across with, so there is not much room for fooling you with those. If your kid falls and breaks something or he comes home with the chicken pox, you rarely lose your temper or get scared. After all, again, there is not much you haven’t seen until now, and you know very well how to take care of them. Not to mention, no amount of dirt, pee or poop will ever again frighten you.

Oh, let’s not get started with the famous, universal excuses kids come up with! You are a master in sensing them from a distance. Much to your kids’ disappointment, you have heard each and every one of them. So they either learn to be more creative, or they just have to be honest. Either way, you know for sure your kids will grow with a strong ability to not get easily fooled and why not, with a great sense of humor.

Compassion Is Your Middle Name

Crazy things might not scare you, but you sure do keep an outstanding amount of compassion towards your children. No matter what they do, you have learned to accept their uniqueness and know that love and understanding are the most valuable things you can give to them. With children going through so many new discoveries and turmoil every day, you never step away from showing them that you are there for them. If the time you spend together is not always as generous as you might want it to be, you know how to pay them back with your affection and compassion. It seems that once you become a nurse, you stay a nurse, whatever you do.

You Are a Multitasker

With work demanding your attention at such high standards and with emergencies flowing all around you, regular tasks seem almost entertaining. No wonder you can handle throwing a pajama party with the entire kindergarten at your place and still keep your cool and catch up with the other parents, while casually throwing a look at that show you like. No one can do multitasking as you can and not burn the house or anything.

Here’s the truth. Because of your busy schedule as a nurse, you don’t always get to spend as much time as you’d want with your kids. But you’ll have to admit that being a nurse has taught you to be more patient, kind, and compassionate. In other words, being a nurse has taught you how to be a better parent.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. I agree that being an RN has helped me to be a better parent/ mother. I have a daughter that has Chronic Pelvic pain originating @ 13 years (8years ago) Nursing background has proven priceless Teaching her to be her own healthcare advocate. Nursing skills has given me & my family the fortitude to not accept 1 Doctor’s word as the answer when symptoms persist.


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