Experienced Nurses : Great For Patients, Great For Hospitals

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

Patients cared for by more experienced nurses not only receive better care, but also have shorter hospital stays.

This finding comes from an extensive study published by researchers at the Columbia University School of Nursing and Columbia Business School. The research also shows that it is more cost-effective for hospitals to encourage staff retention.

Researchers reviewed more than 900,000 patient admissions at the Veterans Administration Healthcare System from 2003 – 2006, accounting for the largest study of its kind to link nursing staffing to patient outcomes. One finding showed that each one-year increase in average tenure of RNs at a hospital results in a 1.3 percent decrease in length of hospital stay. Because of this, researchers say hospitals should be encouraged to retain nurses and keep nurse teams together.

“Reducing length of stay is the holy grail of hospital management because it means patients are getting higher quality, more cost-effective care,” said study author Patricia Stone, PhD, RN, FAAN, Centennial Professor of Health Policy at Columbia Nursing, in a press release. “When the same team of nurses works together over the years, the nurses develop a rhythm and routines that lead to more efficient care. Hospitals need to keep this in mind when making staffing decisions – disrupting the balance of a team can make quality go down and costs go up.”

More Than Technical Ability.

An unrelated study shines yet more light on the many ways nurses help patients. Research presented at the EuroHeartCare 2014 conference in Stavanger, Norway finds that patients consoled by nurses during uncomfortable procedures experienced less pain than those who were not.

The aid that nurse compassion brings to patients is evident nearly every day to nurses, but this is one of the first studies to study the effects of nurse compassion based on scientific data. Nurses had patients visualize a safe place during ablation of atrial fibrillation.

“We ask patients to describe a comfortable safe place they want to be during the procedure,” said Marianne Wetendorff Nørgaard, lead author of the study in a press release. “People have chosen a summer house, the beach, or the woods. During the procedure the nurse asks the patient to focus on their safe place and how it looks, smells and sounds.”

While Nørgaard also mentions that this method could, in certain cases, be used to replace general anesthesia, it also highlights the overall aid nurses provide to patients that is not directly related to technical care.

In a Healthline.com article concerning the study, U.S. nurses spoke of the many aspects of care nurses provide.

“Not only do we have exceptional clinical and technical skills to perform the most challenging tasks, we also practice with a humanistic, compassionate, holistic approach that can make the most challenging diagnosis or prognosis easy to conquer,” said Barbara Ravida, MSN, CCRN, ANP-BC, of the Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center in New York.

What do you think about these findings? Weigh in below!


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. I thought I would see the day when age played against me-maybe I do not run as fast-but I can still run a 5 K – but at 62 with 45 yrs exp I have alot to offer.i lovee when the younger nurses call me to help and teach . Dont throw us away!

  2. While it is great to have and retain experienced nurses, what will happen to new nurses who have no experience? How are they supposed to get that experience? I have been a nurse since 2010, i cant get a job in the hospital because all they ask for is jospital experience within the past year.


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