AHRQ-Sponsored Continuing Education Activities

Looking for free continuing education events in the areas of comparative effectiveness, quality and patient safety, and prevention/care management? AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) provides free continuing education opportunities including:

Patient Centered Outcomes Research

Quality & Patient Safety

  • AHRQ Patient Safety Education and Training Catalog—A national resource featuring a variety of classroom, self-study, and Web-based training opportunities. Select "Continuing Education" in the Content Area drop-down menu and the "Includes Certification" checkbox to show a list of courses offering credit.
  • TeamSTEPPS® 2.0—Eligible for CME or Continuing Education Units (CEU) if health care professionals attend a 2 1/2-day training session at one of the National Implementation of TeamSTEPPS®  training centers.
  • TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 Online Master Trainer Course—This online training enables participants to receive a TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer certificate; continuing education is available for a variety of professions, including nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians.
  • AHRQ Web M&M (Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the Web)—Web site features expert analysis of medical errors reported anonymously by our readers.
  • Improving Patient Safety in Long Term Care Facilities: CE for RNs, Case Managers, and Staff Educators—This series of 4 webinars provides guidance on implementing AHRQ's Patient Safety training in long term care facilities.

AHRQ Annual Conferences

  • AHRQ Annual Conferences—Conference materials from the AHRQ Annual Conferences, including slide presentations and videos of plenary sessions (when available).


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