5 Signs That Your Workplace Values Its Employees

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.

As nurses, we take pride in what we do. We value our work, our colleagues, and our patients. Great workplaces do the same.

Here are 5 ways to spot an organization that values its employees:

  • They Promote From Within – Organizations that look at their own employee pool to fill leadership positions often invest in their employees to help them grow. It’s reassuring to know that there are opportunities for advancement and that your hard work and dedication will be recognized and rewarded.
  • They Encourage Continuing Education – Organizations that offer scheduling flexibility and/or financial support for nurses who want to take extra classes or pursue an advanced degree are invested in your success. They are willing to put skin in the game to help you advance in your career.
  • They Treat Employees as Individuals – Organizations that value your individual career goals work with you to develop a plan to achieve those goals.  They also recognize your unique value and celebrate your contributions to the team.  Nursing is a team effort, but the team only functions effectively when all the players feel that they are valued individually.
  • They Commend Initiative – Many nurses struggle with finding a specialty until they are challenged to expand their horizons. To do this, you need a workplace that encourages you to take initiative, make decisions, and sometimes work outside of your comfort zone.
  • They Listen – Organizations that value their employees encourage open communication. They want to hear your ideas and encourage you to voice concerns to ensure the organization is providing the most effective health care. They also understand that sometimes, people just want to know that they are being heard.

If you feel like you are stuck in a rut, it may not be you. Look at your work surroundings: is your organization doing these 5 things?  If not, maybe it’s time for a change. You worked hard to become a nurse. You deserve to work in an organization that values you and encourages you to reach your personal and professional goals.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


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