16 Sure Signs That You’re A Nurse

This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


How Do You Know You’re a Nurse? 

Here are 16 surefire ways to tell!


When you show up to work on your off day for a 7 a.m. mandatory meeting:




When you arrive at work the next day, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed:




Two minutes later…when things get real and you start to regret your decision to get out of bed:



When the attending physician writes an order that makes absolutely no sense, no matter how many times you read it:




When your patient starts having family drama and you wonder if anyone remembers you’re still in the room:



When you try to send secret messages to your nurse buddy without anyone else seeing:




When you realize that you’ll never get used to smelling C. diff. Never:




When you’re overwhelmed and the charge nurse tries to assign you “just ONE more” patient:




When you hand over a patient to the incoming nurse and neglect to mention that he/she is a complete train wreck:




When you accidentally let unpleasant thoughts slip out of your mouth (hey, it happens when you’re hungry and sleep-deprived!):




When a patient starts a sentence with “Well, WebMD said…”:




When you start to wonder what will make you snap first, hunger or fatigue:




When you finish your shift, but lack the energy to make it out of the front door on your own:




When you get home and try to make sense of your day:




When you wake up the next morning and realize that you have to do it ALL over again:




When you remember that you’re an amazing nurse and no matter what you go through, it’s ALL worth it!


This article was republished with permission from SCRUBS Magazine.


  1. When the MD writes STAT on 3 things and on 3 of your patients charts and wants them all done at the same time.

    The phone is ringing and you play deaf.

    2 ambulances arrive at the same time doing CPR on the patients and the radio goes off and a Paramedic needs you ASAP.

    Hospital Administrater comes and asks how your day is going. As you are in a full run with patients lining the ER in crisis.

  2. OK..
    First off the picture of all of I guess are supposed to be Nurses, But for the life of me, why are all the Men wearing white lab coats with ties.? An all the Females are in scrubs.? An any true RN is extremely protective of what little time they do have off that Mandatory , unless you are going to be Fired for not showing up meetings at 0700 is not going to happen. The rest of the article I can agree with. After 35 years in the ICU and CEC settings I could add a lot more to your 16.

  3. Comment:
    Very very nice helping us to know a few hits on nursing.
    So far I’m Tanzanian looking for collage with SAFTY, HEALTH AND INVIRONMANTAL MANAGMANT
    Thanx allot!.


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