10 Ways To Stay Organized All Day Long

Organization is essential for keeping stress at bay throughout the day. Whether you're getting the kids ready for school, tackling household chores, preparing meals or getting everyone ready for bed, there are several things you can do to maximize time, space and peace of mind.

"People often think that getting organized at home means hours of overhauling every room," says Lisa Zaslow, organization and productivity expert and founder of Gotham Organizers. "Often, small changes to your process and approach can make a big difference in keeping your family organized all day long."

Zaslow recommends these simple tips to keep your home – and your mind – clutter-free:

  1. Start each day with a game plan. Hang a weekly calendar in the kitchen and make note of activities and items that need to be packed to prevent scheduling snafus and frantic phone calls for forgotten items.
  2. Eliminate last-minute morning madness. Set an alarm clock or timer giving everyone a ten-minute warning before it's time to leave to avoid having to run out the door.
  3. Maximize storage space. Adhere damage-free Command Broom Grippers in the mudroom or kitchen closet to keep brooms, mops and dusters neat and off the floor.
  4. Create a drop zone. Hang hooks near the front door for each family member to stow items they need to grab when entering and leaving the house. Everyone from kids to family pets will have a station to conveniently hold their things.
  5. Institute a ten-minute maintenance routine. Create a playlist of high-energy songs to play while the kids empty backpacks to make organizing tasks fun and more efficient.
  6. Avoid paper pile-ups. Set up a customized mail sorter using a desktop file box with labeled folders to keep all mail, receipts and other important documents organized.
  7. Label everything. Use a label maker to designate a proper place for items throughout the house to avoid confusion about where to put things during clean up.
  8. Know what's for dinner. Create a weekly meal planner to track each night's dinner, recipes and grocery needs so you can spend less time stressing over what to do for dinner and more time enjoying meals with the family.
  9. Dress without stress. Adhere Command Clothes Hangers in the laundry room or on each family member's closet door for easy outfit planning every night so there are fewer decisions to make in the morning.
  10. Keep closet clutter at bay. Place a sturdy shopping bag on the floor of each bedroom closet to serve as a donation bin for outgrown clothes. Schedule drop-offs at local thrift shops or donation centers once they are full.


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