Health and Fitness

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: Keeping Your Family Healthy

November is known as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. While you’re probably already familiar with the signs and symptoms of this disease, you may not know how to prevent it. The...

Recognizing & Coping With Nursing Burnout

Nurses are often compassionate by nature. After all, one of the reasons you may have chosen nursing is...

Wearable Devices: Useful Medical Insights Or Just More Data?

Do you track your steps with a FitBit or monitor your heart rate with an Apple Watch? Wearable devices...

Should You Take Dietary Supplements?

When you reach for that bottle of vitamin C or fish oil pills, you might wonder how well...

Food For Thought: How The Brain Reacts To Food

The reason why some people find it so hard to resist finishing an entire bag of chips or...

How I changed My Life For My Heart

Nurse Jane Drucker’s dream job as the Wellness Director of an assisted living facility turned into a nightmare when stress and unhealthy life choices...

Are You a Healthy Lifestyle Role Model At Work?

The American Nurses Association has announced its new HealthyNurse program is now available to all registered nurses. HealthyNurse strives to actively encourage RNs to become role...

7 Ways For Nurses To Keep Their Fitness Resolution

If you made a resolution to get fit this year, you’re not alone. Becoming healthier and getting in shape often tops the list of...

What Are Your Best Tips To Help Tackle Seasonal Depression ?

Seasonal depression doesn’t just affect your patients, although we know that can be easy to forget when you’re busy taking care of them (which is pretty...

Helpful Tips to Protect Your Hearing

Not only can noise distract, disturb and interfere with communication and sleep, it can affect your performance, behavior and hearing. In many cases, hearing loss can...

Survey Finds Americans Value Mental Health and Physical Health Equally

Nearly 90 percent of Americans value mental health and physical health equally, yet about one-third find mental health care inaccessible, and more than four in...