
Have You Ever “Moonlighted” To Supplement Your Nursing Income?

More and more nurses are “moonlighting” to supplement their nursing income. Taking on a second job has become very common in the nursing profession. Many nurses ask for additional...

What Will You Do After Nursing?

Have you been considering a change of career? Nursing can be an incredibly stressful job. After the onset...

What’s Your Favorite Nurse Side Gig?

Side gigs offer many benefits for nurses looking to earn extra money, enjoy a change of scenery or...

How Do You Handle A Mistake At Work?

Have you ever charted on the wrong patient? Hung a drug that had the wrong name on it,...

What’s The Most Embarrassing Thing You’ve Said to A Patient?

Mistakes happen. Nurses are only human, after all. They share intimate moments with complete strangers, which can lead...

Feeling Less Connected to Friends and Family? Blame Your Cell Phone.

Image: In this digital age, with phones at our finger tips, you would think that access to constant communication would make us feel closer...

Katie Duke : Overwhelmed at Work

From the Katie Duke blog– So it’s officially been 4 months since I started my job as an ACNP in Cardiology. I would be lying if I...

Should Nurses Be Required to Complete a Residency Program?

In November of 2010 a report was released that focused on the future of nursing and advancing health care through them. A number of...

“How Do I Build Better Work Relationships?”

Nursing is anything but ordinary. However, as is the case for any other part-of-a-team professional, it’s imperative that nurses establish a positive (or at least productive) relationship...

How Do I Deal With An On-The-Job Injury?

Nursing carries plenty of physical risks, from back injuries to needle sticks. We take precautions, but sometimes the caregiver is the one who needs...

5 Essential Tips To Prepare For Stressful Hospital Inspections

As stressful as they can be, regular hospital inspections are an absolute necessity in the healthcare industry. They are vital to ensure that patients...